Monday, October 31, 2011

you hear about these things

and you feel a contempt for that urge to get at them, thinking "they" will never be "you" you think that................

you think "it'll never happen to me" then it does.

been a while since I've written

but I have quite a lot to say.

I feel like my skin's been ripped off and people can see everything I'm made of inside me. My heart still beating. Blood.

Emilie Leger

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What I did and didn't

what had was like something someone else was in control of me. You can work really hard and plan stuff and go through this whole process, but other times well I just plunge ahead into something of course I had no idea what I was getting into. I didn't know what I was doing period. Now I know. What really.....I mean something that was pretty minute that I didn't think anyone would notice he saw. Anyway......well........I can't say I'm not affected by this. It has really shaken me up. But I kept going back. I believed absolutely in what I was doing. That is why I went through what I did. It was very awkward at first and there was no one I knew who was doing the same....but something in was like I had to.

But still. Something else was building up in me. It was red hot .........I mean in every sense of the word. If it wasn't love at first site, it was definitely lust. I didn't know who he was but I just sensed it. I mean that sounds so cheesy......but immediately BAM it hit me. But it made me uncomfortable. It was too intimate. I don't seek out this kind of attention from people, from strangers. I don't go out of my way to provoke others. I'd rather avoid somebody than face them. A part of me was afraid of him another part of me wanted him. Rather savagely.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Chants Cheers

as I heat up
want to feel seashells under me
the waves over me
as I'm going wish
help wish help wish help
I'm hurting hurting
the waves, the sand the torches that are burning

and he will be mine the day is mine


Aphrodite, goddess of sluts! And beauty. And love.

Painting by My Ambeon on Deviantart

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I haven't yet talked about Nikki or CB.......

I saw CB. Every time it's the same response. In me.

my own adrenaline rises or my blood levels or what is it.....

thought I couldn't fall the same way again, whatever it is.......

but I saw him and it did, I did.

Flooding? The Queen of Cups.

How could it be over? You think it is.......

I thought it was.....or at least had sobered.

I've seen the penis/vagina candles to me they're just vulgar.....all that kind of stuff. Maybe it's the poet or dancer in me.

But I have seen some sculptures....anyway I'm getting ahead of myself.

All those things, fire that seems endless. It was endless. The kundalini level was high.....and higher.......

the smoke alarm kept going off. On its own.

JC more

my twin
my brother
my lover
soul mate

lust is heavy
wavy heavy
lust is heavy
wavy heavy
lust is heavy
wavy heavy

Thursday, October 6, 2011


hey my phone was just stolen so please email to contact me it's the only way....all temporary....


now back to erotic writing