Friday, December 14, 2012

love these funky random beers

we had to pass the pyramid blaster--KLF

i like I said Im intrigued by how many genius creative verdions of beer packaging there are......maybe manufacturers want to make them more girly. there is a spiritual element to much of booze is ritual.....people drink at the end od a long days work like i am.....not a time to go into this.....but this reflects back to a year ago there was great and horrible all at once.....still dont understand. but i was in the presence of something powerful and took this long, too long, to see the fruition. may it flourish. my love can never be adequatwly put into words........its gold like sun shine

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day of Blood

mine is wine colored. I died and was dead, so many times. I fucked up stupidly did I? or is there something else happening? I am the eyes of Laura Mars that film must have been written about me. I wish I were oblivious.....but I'm not. I'm grateful to those who stepped in for me. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

more revised

mine, or yours, is it mine or yours

if there's one there are many

that which is mine

that which is mine

I wish! I wish and watch the red streak on my fingers

if I get out of this room

I'll eat him alive and everything that ever fed him

that's in me and on me

which one is healthier

space can be dark and light

I'm being led down

insane, and in a river

dark dark are your eyes open or shut

threes and threes? that's how many it took

he who comes my way

he whose vision has me

who must be protected like me

it hurt hurt as the fire singed and hissed out of

on that threshold

a simple candle lighter

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Led me Down new poetry revised

mine, or yours, is it mine or yours

if there's one there are many

that which is mine
I wish! I wish and watch the red streak on my fingers
that's in me and on me
which one is healthier

heart falls for it fast and

there's a real flow
space can be dark and light

I'm being led down
insane, and in a river walking around bad neighborhoods, was her.....on the other side

dark dark are your eyes open or shut

let the light in yourself

threes and threes? that's how many it took

he who comes my way

he whose vision has me

who must be protected like me

it hurt hurt as the fire singed and hissed out of

a simple candle lighter

she told me I am in danger

I am in danger

it's going to eat you
in the mirror my face is hollowed out
there's a nothingness......I'm in's horror

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

new stuff!

Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since I've updated.....

I can feel the newness, the energy bursting and it's no accident. This is the result of hard concentration, labor and meditation done this year. I made a ritual of sorts to clear the way, rid my environment and myself of what's negative or harmful. I got quite a backlash for a while.

But it's happening now.

The splashes.......

Apollo is the sun god who drives the chariot across the sky and lights up day..........

the raven is his bird......because he's a terrible enemy as well.

My favorite story of him is that of Cassandra, who was given the gift of prophecy but cursed when she refused him.....that no one would believe her. I'm digressing from this page......

But I'm working on this....will produce new material....the best! is coming

Sunday, March 11, 2012


That I was giving someone ......a guy.......head.....I've never dreamt that before! I kept checking my hair in the mirror. We were in this mansion, like the one in Anna Karenina.....I was conditioning my hair. Then I was on a movie set. It was set in a courthouse. I was the character in ....FA, I was supposed to go in with a knife and stab someone on the witness stand. They had me carrying scissors in a cloth, and I was standing there waiting for my cue, for them to call "action" but I didn't hear anything, so I went out on my heart raced wildly, the guy I was supposed to stab wasn't I (pretended to ) stab another actor.....later someone came up to me telling me what an amazing performance I put on.....
I was thinking that stabbing is aerobic exercise and tiring.....?

Before that I dreamt about Madge and that she was still dating Warren Beatty.....I was looking at a picture of her in her underwear. Then it cut to the scene in Carrie where she's dancing with the guy that takes her to the prom.....I was thinking this is a really boring scene....they were talking about "four toddlers" then this cheesy music came was like a scene from the book, which I had read, being converted to a film.....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

new words

Hmmm.....this from the so-called "peaceful" "non-violent" Tibetans..... Skulls

I'm posting these here cause they're a little grittier than my usual glittery verse on my other site:

Been Led Down      (Title)

mine, or yours, is it mine or yours

if there's one, there are many

one, one if there is there are many

if there's one there are many
wine is red blood is mine
nipples are sticky red

sticky red?

which one is healthier

heart falls for it fast and

there's a real flow

space can be dark and light

he led you downstairs and to a morgue
was she in a river

insane, and in a river walking around bad neighborhoods, was her.....on the other side
dark dark are your eyes open or shut

let the light in yourself

threes and threes? that's how many it took

he who comes my way
he whose vision has me
who must be protected like me
it hurt hurt as the fire singed and hissed out of
a simple candle lighter
she told me I am in danger
I am in danger

it's going to eat you

the floor is hot
my face hollows out
one two three they're coming at you